Photos of our events taken by club members.
Phil Prather is a man of many talents and you may remember earlier this year Phil gave a presentation on Opals. This month Phil shared an “Introduction To Structured Wire: Making Your Rocks Wearable,”. His knowledge and skills are awesome and the samples he brought to our meeting were beautiful.
Some of Phil's other creations. Photo doesn't do it justice!
We had a good turnout and Phil kept our attention during his entire presentation. He also took some questions as well.
November 2023 Field Trip to Caldwell Stone Quarry in Danville, KY
Christmas Dinner, December 3, 2023
Club members arriving for our dinner
Saturday, January 13, 2024, the BGGMC took an indoor field trip to Danny Settles display of florescent minerals in Danville, KY. VERY interesting. I'm just going to post a couple of pictures here and do some more tomorrow. Danny also a large display at Centre College right next to his shop and we were able to visit there as well.dd text.
Left - Club members. Danny Settles is in the center with the black coat. Right - Same minerals under different lighting.
Our annual Christmas party was a big success and we had 50 members in attendance.
Our next big event will be our Annual Gem and Mineral Show in March.